Flamingo Cakepops
I recently received an order from Jennifer for pink flamingo cakepops. She wants to offer them to a friend who loves flamingos. And I must say that she’s not the only one, these pink birds conquered my heart too 😉
I made her about 15 pink flamingo cakepops. And to have a little fun, I proposed to make one special flamingo: a flamingo who celebrates with a party hat, a little tutu and glitter.
PS: I try to write in english but it isn’t my first language. Sorry if you find some mistakes.
When I create cakepops for an order, I always do a few more to be able to choose the prettiest (yes… with the cakepops, you can have bad surprises), there were still some left on which I had fun.
Discover below full of funny pink flamingos that I made for friends 🙂
For Emmanuelle: a glitter Flamingo with a skull head.
For Jérôme: a minion Flamingo.
For Isaline: a polka dot Flamingo.
For Marcel: a business man Flamingo with a bottle of good wine 😉
And for Clément: a DJ Flamingo, which is thin and with a computer mouse.
And here are the steps to follow, if you want to create pretty Cakepops flamingos:
- Color your gumpaste in the same color as your Candy Melts.
- Make a pink gumpaste sausage and a slightly shorter white gumpaste sausage.
- Glue the pink and white sausage together using edible glue.
- Form Flamingo’s head.
- Insert a piece of toothpick into the head base with some edible glue and let it dry.
- Reduce your favorite cake into crumbs. Then mixing with frosting.
- Mix well until you can form a ball.
- Form the drops (the flamingo’s body) and place them on a plate.
- Melt your pink Candy Melts and mix them with Paramount Crystals.
- Put your lovely straws into the Candy Melts and insert the straw into the flamingo’s body. Put in the refrigerator.
- Once cooled, put the entire flamingo’s body into the pink Candy Melts.
- Before the Candy Melts dry, insert the pink flamingo’s head into the body using the toothpick. Put in the refrigerator.
- Once cooled, color the beak and the eye of the flamingo with an edible ink pen.
- If you wish, you can make the wings, simply by putting Candy Melts melts in a piping bag with a 1.5 hole nozzle.
Tags: anniversaire, cakepops, flamant rose, flamingo, hat, minion, party, pink
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Hi there!
they look AMAZING…….just wondering how long/thick the necks are? thanks x
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Hi Holly !
The lenght and the thickness of the neck depend of the size of your cakepops. The best way to find the right lenght/thickness is that your try to put one neck on one of your cakepops. But I’ll say approximatively 5-7 cm (1.9 – 2.7 inches).
Have a nice day ! x
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Can you make (mold) the necks out of the cake?
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Hello Bianca,
Do you mean make the necks with breadcrumbs like the cake pop ? I think it’s easier to make the necks with gumpaste and to pin it on the cake pop juste before the candy melts (or chocolate) melts.