DIY Halloween Unicorn Pumpkins
Halloween is almost here. So it’s time to decorate some pumpkins. This year, no scary faces, ghosts or monsters. But just pretty little colored unicorns 🙂
PS: I try to write in english but it isn’t my first language. Sorry if you find some mistakes.
Follow these steps to create super cute unicorn pumpkins:
Start by protecting your ground using newspaper. I recommend you to go outside to do this.
Spray pumpkins in white.
Once dry, cover your pumpkins with glitter Mod Podge. Because in my world, there is no unicorn without glitter!
Saw pumpkin stems.
Using paper or fabric (take what you have on hand), creates the ears. For that, cut a white drop shape, then cut the same shape slightly smaller in light pink. And glue together the two shapes.
Make small incisions in the bottom of the ears to be able to bend them and give them a rounded 3D effect before fixing them on the pumpkins.
Attach the ears, with glue or with a pin.
Create now the horns of unicorns:
- Roll Model Magic (or gumpaste for an inside version)* in a cone shape.
- Roll this cone onto itself to form a “poo” shape 🙂
- Roll this “poo” in a cone shape.
- Insert a skewer rod in water and then into the cone by turning on itself to fit it more easily into the Horn.
- Let dry overnight.
- Put horns in pumpkins.
*Gumpaste is a kind of fondant, which is normally used to cover cakes. You need to use gumpaste instead of fondant because it dry faster (if you want to put your pumpkins inside) . BUT IF YOU WANT TO PUT YOUR PUMPKINS OUTSIDE, I recommend you to use Model Magic. It’s a Crayola brand product and it has a similar consistency to gumpaste but could be left outside with no fear. Because real gumpaste will melt in case of humidity (it happens to me 😢 so I don’t want that it happens to you).
Paint the big horn with gold food coloring powder mixed with pure lemon extract. Or with an outdoor paint if you have used Model Magic.
Make the eyes with black Model Magic or black fabric and glue them on the pumpkins.
Download here the eyes template in different sizes 🙂
Make details in the eyes by putting white round Model Magic or white fabrics. Add a small star in each eye, this will give more radiance to the eye.
For the hair, roll Model Magic in cone shapes with the color of your choice.
Glue the hair on the pumpkin and play with hair ends to make fabulous movements.
You can also make flat hair (without cone shapes). For that, roll your Model Magic to the desired thickness (thicker at the hairline and thinner at the hair ends) and glue them to your pumpkin.
You can also turn the hair ends to give a wavy effect 😉
Et voilà, I hope you will like my unicorn pumpkins and maybe you’re going to try this fabulous DIY at home.
Tags: diy, halloween, pumpkin, rainbow, sugarpaste, unicorn
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This is the most awesome pumpkin craft EVER!!!! Thanks for sharing!!! 🤗
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Thank you Sam 😁
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Could not find the sugar paste recipe you were talking about to make horns and hair. I need this please. Thank you these are awesome.
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Hi Avanell, Sugarpaste is normally use to cover cakes. It’s fondant. But you need tu use gumpaste instead of fondant because it dry faster. But if you want to put your pumpkins outside, I recommend you to used molding putty. Because gumpaste will melt in case of the humidity (it happens to me 🙁 so I don’t want that it happens to you). I hope my answer will help you. Don’t hesitate to ask again if you have another question. Cheers 😉tu
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wow ENDY SAYs this is better than ice lolly pops
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Love love love!! But may I ask, what is sugar paste???
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Hi Sally Jo! I will answer the same way that I already answered Avanell just above: Sugarpaste is normally used to cover cakes. It’s fondant. But you need tu use gumpaste instead of fondant because it dry faster. But if you want to put your pumpkins outside, I recommend you to use molding putty. Because gumpaste will melt in case of the humidity (it happens to me 🙁 so I don’t want that it happens to you). I hope my answer will help you. Don’t hesitate to ask again if you have another question. Cheers 😉
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I love this idea . We do pumpkins for outside so what kind of molding putty would you use?
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Hi Rita ! I’m very confused, I think I have badly translated my explanation in french… Thanks to you, I have corrected my error. You should use salt-paste or salt-dough (not moulding putty). You can find easy step by step tutorial on YouTube on how to make it.
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If you plan to put outside, she suggested to use Crayola Model Magic for the horns so they don’t melt. If you get that, you don’t have to worry about salt- or gum-paste! It’s found at craft stores like Hobby Lobby, Michael’s, etc. and is fairly inexpensive for a pack of it.
I’ll be using that when I try these this Halloween! Absolutely love this idea! Thank you!
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Thank you Haley for this explanation 👍🏻
Lisa Lee
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You are awesome! Thank you
Teresa O'Leary
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Omg I love love love these unicorn pumpkins
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So adorable! Is it ok to share on Instagram with a photo screenshot & link to your site?
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Hi Bonnie! Of course it’s OK if you want to share it on Instagram. Just write @confettidea on the comment. Thank you 😉
Micca Michaelann Dach
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You can use playdough or colored clay for the horn and hair.. it doesn’t melt.. they sell it here in the states in crafting sections
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OMGoodness…LOVE these little Unis! Absolutely adorable!!
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This is awesome! Do you think you could use play dough for the horn and hair?
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Hi Lyndsay! I think the best way is to use Model Magic 😉
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What is the best kind of glue to use?
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I think contact glue is perfect.
Mary L
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I really love these! So creative. I think I’m going to make a black one and perhaps a purple one though. Possibly keep one orange even and then I’ll have some cool Halloween themed unicorns! 😀
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Hi Mary! So cool!!! Don’t hesitate to send me pictures of your unicorns (confettidea.ch@gmail.com) then I can share them at the end of this article 😉 I can’t wait to see your work.
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Love, love, love this project idea!! Very creative and musically cute 😍😊
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I adore these!
Yacon Root Extract
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Fantastic Site. Really enjoyed reading.
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LOVE this! Thank you :))
missy mccoy
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love this idea! but to make something this cute I would want to keep it for many years to come so id buy some fake pumpkins. ^_^
Laurie Paschke
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How much magic mold do you need? Did you paint it yourself or buy it colored already? So excited to try this!
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What glue can I use to paste molding Magic (hair) on ceramic?
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Hi Zucy!
I have never try that option. Maybe you can find an answer with this helpful chart : https://www.google.ch/amp/s/lifehacker.com/5875781/this-glue-chart-guides-you-through-which-glue-to-use-where/amp
Sorry that I can’t give you the right answer. 🙁
Tell me what kind of glue works if you try some.
Have a nice day!
Audrey Evans
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This is the best pumpkin idea I’ve seen! I’m definitely going to try this for Halloween. Thank you for sharing this project
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Can you use model magic if you are keeping inside? Also what is the best kind of paint to use to color model magic?
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Hi Jennifer !
Yes you can use magic model if you are keeping inside.
Dry Model Magic compound can be painted with Crayola Watercolor, Tempera, Acrylic, and washable paints or decorated with Crayola Markers. Wet Model Magic can be colored with watercolor and markers, however, the colors will be lighter than those applied to dried compound and the pieces may take longer to dry.
Wet Model Magic can be colored before modeling by kneading drops of watercolor, tempera, acrylic or washable paints in. Watch this video: https://youtu.be/xs-CV0_nDQc
I recommend you to paint the magic model after it’s dry so you’ll optain a brighter color. But put some clear mod podge when the paint is dry, so it will protect your painting.
Yacon Root
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I love looking at your blog. It was amazingly enjoyable. 🙂
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Thank you so much Yacon 🙂
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Thanks for putting this up me and my 8 year old daughter did some today
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Great! Don’t hesitate to publish your photo on Instagram (if you have an account) with the mention @confettidea so we can see your creation 😉
Ashley berger
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Whats the price range to make these? An estimate would be great. I want to make with my gs troop and im just wondering if it would be within our budget. Thanks
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Dear Ashley,
Thank you for this question but I can’t give you a correct answer as I’m living in Switzerland, I’m sure that our prices are not the same as yours.
Find pumpkin in your grocery store (I really don’t know the price in your country)
Magic Model is about 3.49$ for 4 oz.
ModPodge Magic Glitter (not mandatory) is about 13.10$ for 8 oz.
White Spray Paint is about 8.00$ for 10 oz.
You can find assorted felt for about 7.00$
You can find assorted food gel colouring for about 10.00$ – 15.00$
Total: 46.59$ + the pumpkins (unless you already had one of these items at home)
I hope this will help.
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Wow these are amazing but, I don’t have enough paint is there a way that I could make more❓❔❓
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Hello Jen,
Sorry I don’t understand well your question. Maybe you can buy more paint ?
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awesome! I want to make these for a pumpkin contest at my school! These are boo-tiful!
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Your unicorn pumpkins are the absolute cutest and most creative I’ve seen!!! Love them so much! I also like your variations. I want to make the gold horned one. Is there a template to get the eyes right? Thank you. Great job!!!
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Hello ! thank you for your comment 🙂 it’s very nice and it motivates me to always do more creative stuff.
The eyes template is really a good idea. I’ll put a downloadable pdf tomorrow on this page. Thank you !
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So adorable! I can’t wait to make them this Halloween! Thank you!
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Hi I love it the unicorn is so nice I love unicorns I’m going to a contest and I’m Putin’s it in the show
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These are absolutely FAB! My daughter and I can’t wake to make them. Thank you for sharing!! We may try one with the eyes closed and eyelashes also. SO VERY CUTE!