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Australian Cake

At about 24:00 of flight from Switzerland is Autralia. A country where surfing and kangaroos are the kings. Whatever ? Actually I’ve never been in Australia, so I’m not sure. But it’s the image presented of this country around the world. There is still koala, emu, Tasmanian devil, Wombat, Goanna and the great white shark (unfortunately for some people). But although all these animals are interesting, I wasn’t going to do a zoo on the cake.

kangourou - australie gâteau

In fact, this cake was done by the request of my brother Guillaumem who looked forward to the return of Tiffany. Actually, the lucky girl spent 3 months in kagaroos land to improve her english. To welcome her, a surprise party was organized and if you think about party, you might think about a cake 🙂

Check out detailed pictures below:

planche de surf - australie gâteau

kangourou - australie gâteau

planche de surf - australie gâteau

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