A Polka Dot Shelf
Last weekend I had fun decorated my bathroom shelf. It’s big white shelf and I found it a little annoying. I hesitated to put Washi Tape on the edge of the shelf or to stick dots.
It’s really simple and efficient way to give your shelf a the second life. Obviously, the solutions are endless: you can change the shape (put triangle instead of round), you can cange the color of the sticker and also the spacing between each sticker. You can do as a dandelion that flies by putting a lot of sticker in one corner and spacing them more and more as they move further from the corner. Let your imagination tell you what to do by always trying do something harmonious.
If you like my rounds and you would like to stick it the same way like me. You can buy the paper punch here (it’s a round paper punch, 2,5 cm (1 in) diameter). And you can download the template here.
Step by step pictures below:
Step 1: cut 2,5 cm circles in a self-adhesive sheet of the color of your choice.
Step2: Download the template to know how to space your rounds and cut each round.
Step 3: Thoroughly drain and clean your shelf.
Step 4: Tape the sheet in the corner of your shelf with an easy removable tape. Then, stick the precut rounds in each hole.
Step 5: Once all your hole are plain with round stickers, move the sheet by overlaying it on the already sticked rounds to keep the proper spacing.
Step 6: The work is done 😉 Add your decoration objects and voilà !
PS: I try to write in english but it isn’t my first language. Sorry if you find some mistakes.