
Flamingo Cakepops

I recently received an order from Jennifer for pink flamingo cakepops. She wants to offer them to a friend who loves flamingos. And I must say that she’s not the only one, these pink birds conquered my heart too 😉

I made her about 15 pink flamingo cakepops. And to have a little fun, I proposed to make one special flamingo: a flamingo who celebrates with a party hat, a little tutu and glitter.

PS: I try to write in english but it isn’t my first language. Sorry if you find some mistakes.

When I create cakepops for an order, I always do a few more to be able to choose the prettiest (yes… with the cakepops, you can have bad surprises), there were still some left on which I had fun. 

Discover below full of funny pink flamingos that I made for friends 🙂

For Emmanuelle: a glitter Flamingo with a skull head.

For Jérôme: a minion Flamingo.

For Isaline: a polka dot Flamingo.

For Marcel: a business man Flamingo with a bottle of good wine 😉

And for Clément: a DJ Flamingo, which is thin and with a computer mouse.

And here are the steps to follow, if you want to create pretty Cakepops flamingos:

  1. Color your gumpaste in the same color as your Candy Melts.
  2. Make a pink gumpaste sausage and a slightly shorter white gumpaste sausage.

  1. Glue the pink and white sausage together using edible glue.
  2. Form Flamingo’s head.

  1. Insert a piece of toothpick into the head base with some edible glue and let it dry.
  2. Reduce your favorite cake into crumbs. Then mixing with frosting.

  1. Mix well until you can form a ball.
  2. Form the drops (the flamingo’s body) and place them on a plate.

  1. Melt your pink Candy Melts and mix them with Paramount Crystals.
  2. Put your lovely straws into the Candy Melts and insert the straw into the flamingo’s body. Put in the refrigerator.

  1. Once cooled, put the entire flamingo’s body into the pink Candy Melts.
  2. Before the Candy Melts dry, insert the pink flamingo’s head into the body using the toothpick. Put in the refrigerator.

  1. Once cooled, color the beak and the eye of the flamingo with an edible ink pen.
  2. If you wish, you can make the wings, simply by putting Candy Melts melts in a piping bag with a 1.5 hole nozzle.